Flood Control Canada supplies different emergency mobile flood systems to protect Critical Infrastructure (CI) in Canada and beyond. The three systems will cover your specific requirements when it comes to an emergency flood response. All three systems are extremely fast to deploy, they can be installed with minimal manpower and are all reusable year-after-year. They can be installed on any terrain; no site preparation is required!
Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Critical Infrastructure includes Energy, Finance, Food, Government, Health, Communications, Manufacturing, Safety, Transportation and Water.

Flood Control Canada Training Program
We train your team to be prepared in emergency situations. It is essential to familiarize the personnel with the different types of emergency products and how to install them in the event of a flood. We are providing theoretical background and hand-on simulations.
At the end of the Training Program, we will certify the attendees.
Training programs across Canada.
What You Need To Know
Emergency Mobile Flood Protection is being used in situations when floods hit areas that are unprepared to handle large amounts of water regardless of waves, waterflow and debris.
We encourage municipalities to focus on critical infrastructure first. We can help to identify low leveled areas and correlate those with existing flood maps.
We can help to identify the best way to build a flood wall; identify the key locations with local experts and decide on the most suitable system.
Sandbagging is not the appropriate response to protect critical infrastructure. And sandbagging is expensive. You pay for the sand, the transportation of the sand, the sand bags, the labor cost [!], the cleanup costs and in most cases the contamination of the sand requires extra measures as E. coli can be found in sand after it was used in a sandbagged flood wall and is deemed to be hazardous and has to be deposited to the landfill.
We will help you to develop a strategy to battle seasonal floods and can train local volunteers. We also provide installation services provided by our Emergency Team. This team is highly trained in installing the systems and monitoring it.
What You Are Getting
To be used to protect critical infrastructure (water plants, pump stations, power stations, generator/transformer stations, roads and highways, train tracks, airports, etc.)
Reduces installation time (2-3 workers install 100m hard surface flood wall in one hour).
Reusable every year (life expectancy 50+ years)
Rigorously tested (FM Global Certified)
Extremely resilient against waves, waterflow and debris and all other extreme weather situations
For municipal, industrial, commercial and residential flood protection
Can be installed on any terrain (grass, gravel, sand); sloped or levelled
Can be deployed in very short time
Can be installed in already flooded areas
Can be in place over months or years when needed
Easy storage solutions; high quality products
Can be used as chemical containment barrier to collect polluted water